The aim of the CEU Graduate School is the development of intellectual independence and leadership through the cultivation of scientific, critical, and creative faculties of the mind and the promotion of expertise in research.
The various fields of specialization provide intensive training for professional workers in specific areas; seek to develop leaders and executives through in-depth studies, fieldwork, and research; and promote an integrated understanding of the person’s place in society.
The CEU Graduate School was organized in 1926 during the administration of Dona Librada Avelino, founder and first CEU President. Dr. Concepcion A. Aguila was the first Graduate School Dean. She was assisted by Dr. Lorenzo Paredes and Miss Generosa de Leon, then CEU Registrar and Comptroller. During her deanship (1926-1960), Dr. Aguila developed and administered programs leading to the Doctor of Education and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. CEU thus became the first non-sectarian university to offer graduate school courses.
Dr. Alicia Jose Ramos, the second dean, (1960-1965) is credited with the expansion of the Graduate School and growth in enrolment. In 1965, Dr. Paz Policarpio Mendez was appointed third dean. During her term, several new programs on the masters and doctoral levels were opened. In 1988, Dr. Rosita L. Navarro was appointed as fourth dean. The term of Dr. Navarro marked the start of innovative programs which merited financial support from reputable funding agencies. Several graduate degree programs have earned international recognition and endowments in the form of professorial chairs and research grants.
In 2002, vertical articulation of graduate programs emanating from strong undergraduate programs was implemented in CEU. These undergraduate programs are from the School of Accountancy, Business, Secretarial, Public Administration, School of Education—Liberal Arts—Music—Social Work, School of Pharmacy, School of Tourism-Family Economics-Nutrition and HRM, and School of Science.
In 2006, the graduate programs of the School of Accountancy, Management and Technology; the School of Education, Liberal Arts, Music, and Social Work; and the School of Science were granted Level 3 Accredited status by the Philippine Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA), which were affirmed in 2007 when the three schools were granted Level 3 re-accredited status.
All programs are vertically articulated from corresponding undergraduate programs with Level III FAAP- certified re-accredited status through PACUCOA.
The CEU Research and Development Foundation is a non-stock, non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the Philippines, funding worthwhile theses/ dissertations/researches of CEU Graduate School faculty and students.
Aptly called Graduate and Faculty Studies, it aims to provide an appropriate medium for announcing the results of researches completed by CEU faculty members and students of the Graduate School.
Concepcion A. Aguila in Teacher Education, Pilar Hidalgo Lim in Family Studies, Carmen de Luna in Philippine Culture and Philippine Studies, Carmen Guevarra in Culture of the Lowland Filipinos, Dionisio C. Tiongco in Educational Management, Dr. Chin Shen-Hsiung in Science and Technology, Concepcion A. Aguila in Optometry Education, Pilar H. Lim in Nursing Administration
A graduate institution that nurtures creative scholarship, intellectual independence, professional expertise and moral commitment among leaders and active participants in nation building and global cooperation.
In pursuit of the University's philosophy ciencia y virtud (knowledge and virtue), the Graduate School seeks to develop research-oriented and technologically competent professionals and intellectually independent leaders who are active participants in national and international development efforts.